Kissinger's legacy: A bridge between China and the U.S.

By CGTN   |   Dec 01,2023   12:21:48

The passing of Henry Kissinger marks the end of an era dominated by a man who, under Richard Nixon's administration, carved out a position as one of the most influential and divisive figures in 20th-century U.S. foreign policy. Hitting the century mark, Kissinger, a maestro diplomat who was considered to be the most prominent torchbearer of realpolitik in international relations, lent his counsel to a dozen American presidents.

Notably, Kissinger's laurels include a shared Nobel Prize, earned for his pivotal role in negotiating the conclusion of the Vietnam War. However, the contours of his legacy are also etched with controversy and criticism. While he advised leaders, including the current U.S. President Joe Biden, Kissinger's approach was tinged with realpolitik and an unwavering commitment to safeguarding American corporate interests.

Kissinger's involvement in geopolitical affairs extended beyond boardroom negotiations. At the same time, the fabric of Kissinger's professional journey was primarily threaded with a genuine commitment to fostering the normalization of relations between China and the United States.

Five decades ago, at a crucial crossroads in global history, Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai, U.S. President Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger collectively steered the course toward normalizing China-U.S. relations. This pivotal and audacious decision, a testament to foresight and courage, not only redounded to the benefit of both nations but also wrought transformative changes on the world stage.

Over the course of the last five decades, Kissinger travelled to China on more than 100 occasions. Within China, he was widely regarded as a venerable friend to the Chinese people, acknowledged for his pivotal contributions to the historic evolution of China-U.S. relations. Kissinger had been instrumental in fostering meaningful and reciprocal interactions between the two nations over the years.

The Chinese people value friendship, and "we never forget our old friends, nor your historic contributions to promoting the growth of China-U.S. relations and enhancing friendship between the two peoples," Chinese President Xi Jinping told Kissinger during their last meeting in Beijing in July this year. Xi praised Kissinger for his pivotal role in advancing the development of China-U.S. relations and his consistent endeavors to positively shape American public opinion about China.

In his last visit to China, Kissinger, notwithstanding the weight of age on his shoulders, exhibited his genuine commitment to untangle the intricate complexities and challenges inherent in mitigating tensions within the labyrinthine China-U.S. relationship. Displaying a remarkable sharpness that defied his age, Kissinger persistently advocated for the Biden administration to eschew hasty adversarial positions and, instead, embrace candid dialogue – a path he deemed indispensable for the enhancement of global peace.

Henry Kissinger's illustrious career has imprinted an enduring legacy in fortifying robust relations between China and the United States–a resonance felt even in the present day. Operating beyond ideological confines, Kissinger adeptly navigated the intricate dynamics binding these two nations. His steadfast dedication to engaging with China, grounded in reality and mutual respect with an emphasis on equality, laid the foundational bedrock for diplomatic ties.

In an epoch marked by swift global shifts and evolving power landscapes, Kissinger's sagacity stands as a guiding light, underscoring the profound importance of diplomacy and the necessity for a measured, forward-thinking approach to international relations. As the pages of history continue to turn, the Biden administration would do well to glean lessons from Kissinger's legacy, embracing dialogue and cooperation on the diplomatic stage.

Just two month ago, while speaking at the fifth Bund Summit in Shanghai, Kissinger again reiterated the considerable drawbacks that decoupling would impose on both China and the United States. He fervently cautioned against a China-U.S. decoupling, noting the potential ramifications on living standards in both nations and the detrimental impact on their capacity to navigate the evolving realm of artificial intelligence (AI).

Stressing the importance of mutual learning and discouraging a decoupled approach, Kissinger highlighted how China's profound integration into the global economy had forged a strengthened relationship between Beijing and Washington. He emphasized the interdependence established through trade, underscoring the significance of maintaining a connected global approach. Kissinger emphasized that a China-U.S. decoupling would not only hinder collaborative efforts on common challenges but also make the task more formidable.

Despite the escalating tensions in the technology sector, particularly in AI, Kissinger urged cooperation between the two nations in this crucial field. He expressed his belief that AI collaboration between the world's two largest economies is indispensable for the betterment of humanity. Grounded in realism and mutual respect, Kissinger's steadfast dedication to interacting with China, with a core emphasis on equality, served as the cornerstone for establishing diplomatic ties between the two nations.

In a period characterized by swift global changes and evolving power dynamics, Kissinger's sagacity continues to illuminate the path of reason. His legacy acts as a reminder of the deep significance of diplomacy and advocates for a thoughtful, forward-looking approach to international relations.

(The writer Imran Khalid, a special commentator on current affairs for CGTN, is a freelance columnist on international affairs. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.)

Kissinger's legacy: A bridge between China and the U.S.