Coffee estates become new tour destinations

By Gateway   |   Jan 19,2024   14:52:15

The coffee harvest season has arrived in southwest Yunnan’s Pu'er city, the main coffee-producing region in China. Coffee trees are laden with bright red fruits, attracting the tourists who seek a unique coffee-travel experience.

In Dakahe village of Pu'er, a coffee-colored meditation house stands out. It is made from coffee grounds by the Taifulai coffee estate. Visitors can enjoy coffee and take photos, gazing at the clouds in the day and stars at night.

Liu Ziyue, a tourist from Guangdong province, spent an entire afternoon in the house. He expressed that savoring coffee in its place of origin and enjoying the scenery is a unique experience, and the tranquil mountains eased his mood.

Hua Runmei, the owner of the estate, explained that despite it being the local tourism off-season, there are still many visitors experiencing the estate, with over 500 visitors received daily. Additionally, some cafe owners visit her estate to pick fresh coffee beans, trying new fermentation methods and coffee products.

At the Aini Garden, tropical rainforests coexist with coffee trees. Under the rainforest planting model, 15,000 Chinese acres (about 10km2) of different varieties of coffee trees are thriving, including the popular bean Geisha. Staff members adeptly operate intelligent color sorters and other equipment on the estate's cold brew coffee production line.

"So amazing!" Some tourists marveled at the process of coffee production. Xia Mengjie, a tourist from Hunan province, spent two days at the estate, experiencing the producing process and the grandeur of nature. He remarked that nature and modern industry blend well here, making time run slower.

According to data from the Pu'er Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, during this year's New Year holiday, the city received a total of 435,500 visitors and achieved a tourism revenue of 309 million yuan, increasing by 34.96% and 37.95% year on year.

Zhang Qiyin, Deputy Director of the Pu'er City Culture and Tourism Bureau, mentioned that coffee activities have become new trends in Pu'er cultural tourism, with the high-quality coffee tours well-received by consumers.

Source: Xinhua News; trans-editing by Wang Yunya

Coffee estates become new tour destinations