Mushroom event takes place in Kunming

By Gateway   |   Aug 31,2022   15:02:10

A manuscript of a wild mushroom (Yunnan Daily)

The "Language of Mushrooms: The Interspecies Internet" exhibition was held at the CGK Kunming Contemporary Art Museum in Yunnan on August 27, revealing the mushrooms’ role in natural ecosystems and their wisdom in symbiotic relationships.

A manuscript of edible wild mushrooms (Yunnan Daily)

34 international mycologists, artists, writers and others joined in the interdisciplinary exhibition for mushrooms, including those from Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Canada, and Australia.


Wild mushrooms (Yunnan Daily)

As the top Chinese producer for wild mushrooms, Yunnan is endowed with favorable environment for growth of various mushrooms, and the cultural event allowed its participants to know more about the kingdom of fungi.


A work from the artist (Yunnan Daily)

Source: Kaiping News; Trans-editing by Wang Yunya

Mushroom event takes place in Kunming