Kings of Ganbajun show up in Kunming

By Gateway   |   Sep 06,2022   11:55:28

Two giant mushrooms of thelephora ganbajun recently emerged from the Mushuihua market in central Yunnan’s Kunming city. The larger one is about 40cm in diameter, the smaller 30cm.

“The wild mushrooms were picked up by a senior of my family when farming in the mountains,” said the owner Mr. Zhang, a Qujing native. “They weigh 2.7 kg and 1.9 kg, and we expect a good price of RMB 12,000.”

Thelephora ganbajun is a rare edible fungus. Rich in nutrition and unique in flavor, it is often cooked by Yunnan locals with rice, pepper, bacon and more.

The mushroom is highly endemic to Yunnan province. It is economically traded as food and also it’s of medicinal properties.

Source: Yunnan Net; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Kings of Ganbajun show up in Kunming