He Liwei passes on Naxi music in Lijiang

By Gateway   |   Oct 14,2022   17:22:06

For more than 20 years, He Liwei, who lives in north Yunnan’s Lijiang old town, either rides a motor bike or takes a bus from his home to working place. There, the traditional Naxi music is passed down to the younger generation.

“Although there are already more than 30 places for the heritage of Baishaxiyue ancient music, the bands playing such music is shrinking,” Liwei said worriedly. “I’m afraid that the ancient heritage will lost someday. It’s not easy that it still exists now. I do hope there are people to take on.

Baishaxiyue is an integral part of the Naxi ancient music. It is a special set of ancient music born in Lijiang. The music has been listed as a national heritage, and He Liwei is a provincial inheritor.

He Liwei is playing the bamboo flute. (By Window of Ancient Town of Lijiang)

According to historical record, the music was born in the Song and Yuan dynasties (960-1368) and enjoyed prosperity in the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1912). There are 8 chapters in Baishaxiyue, each having its own theme and story behind.

Coupled with singing and dance, Baishaxiyue music is is performed with orchestral instruments. The band has at least 8 people. The instruments include bamboo flute, Chinese vertical flute, Chinese shawm, curve-neck lute, zither, Sugudu (a plucked string instrument of the Mongol ethnic group), small-sized Erhu and more.

He Liwei is making instruments. (By Window of Ancient Town of Lijiang)

“My grandpa played the ancient music, too. When I was young, I’d watched the performances with my father. That’s why I like the music and instruments,” Liwei said. Influenced by the old band members and his father, He, aged 57 now, has been on the band since his teenage days. From then on, he has been trained once a month and on the performances.


The ancient music band. (By Window of Ancient Town of Lijiang)

Out of love, Liwei immersed himself in the music, learning and performing. He performed Baishaxiyue for tourists in the old town of Lijang. Since he became inheritor in 1999, he has been responsible for the cultural performances.

“The reason why I can do this till today is that the true love from the bottom of my heart.” When talked about the music, Liwei naturally let the emotions speak. “My love for Naxi ancient music is deep, and I’m proud to be nurtured by the Naxi art.”

Source: Window of Ancient Town of Lijiang; Trans-editing by Wang Yunya

He Liwei passes on Naxi music in Lijiang