G7 makes a joke of itself by countering China with PGII
The Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment launched by G7 leaders during their just-concluded summit in the Bavarian Alps, Germany, has become an instant laughing stock for its empty rhetoric.
2022-07-01 11:14:04
'One country, two systems' guarantees Hong Kong's success story will continue
Friday marks the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland. Twenty-five years ago, at a ceremony on a rainy night, the territory that had been under colonial rule by the United Kingdom for 156 years formally.
2022-07-01 11:09:38
Asia-Pacific should keep NATO away
Described as being "brain dead" during the tenure of the previous US administration, the "value diplomacy" of the Joe Biden administration has breathed life into the previously ailing North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
2022-06-30 10:35:41
Eric's Insight: Yunnan, best Chinese linkage to the Indo-Pacific
Take a closer look at the world map, focusing on the southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan, and you will see it straddles the Indo-Pacific region in general, with the Indian Ocean in the southwest and the Pacific Ocean in the southeast.
2022-06-30 11:54:52
CPC carries on mission to promote progress of humanity
As some countries work to create division and confrontation in the world to maintain hegemony for their own interests, China is trying to steer the course of the giant ship of humanity toward peace and development.
2022-06-30 10:33:25
With the solid support of the motherland, Hong Kong has defused risks, weathered challenges and maintained prosperity and stability over the past 25 years.
2022-06-29 10:03:27
Older persons also as agents of development
Older persons are highly visible across Asia and the Pacific: they work in agricultural fields producing our food, peddle their wares as street vendors, drive tuk-tuks, and buses, exercise in our parks and form an integral part of our families.
2022-06-29 09:52:49
China's logistics sector sees steady growth in first five months
Social logistics rose 3 percent year-on-year in the first five months to 128.8 trillion yuan ($19.24 trillion), said the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in a report.
2022-06-29 09:51:02
Before the G7 Summit in the Bavarian Alps, being held from Sunday to Tuesday, and the NATO Summit scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday in Madrid, many diplomatic meetings followed one another.
2022-06-28 10:52:50
Beidou makes farming more efficient
As summer farming work proceeds across China, smart facilities like automated tractors are being widely used, making the work more efficient and reducing labor costs, farmers said.
2022-06-28 10:46:33
China, US called on to collaborate
Scientific and technological decoupling between China and the United States will reduce academic output, disrupt the global innovation system and undermine the ability of their scientific communities to jointly explore new frontiers and tackle shared challenges.
2022-06-28 10:43:09
China, India, Vietnam make growth story world's talking point
In an economic sense, should China be unnerved by neighboring Vietnam? Well, Vietnam today reminds me of yesteryear developing countries when their economies had just started to grow at a notable pace.
2022-06-27 15:51:01
Building resilience through food security in Thailand
Thailand is world-renowned for her flavorful culinary delights with dishes like Pad Thai and Tom Yum Kung born out of a unique gastronomic history, maintained by the ingenuity of Thais to evolve their dishes in celebration of their culture.
2022-06-24 15:29:26
China a true contributor to human rights cause
Many developing countries encounter the same sets of challenges including income inequality, widespread poverty, low education and literacy levels, inadequate infrastructure, corruption, and higher rates of violence against women.
2022-06-24 10:57:45
Implementation of policies key to stabilizing economic foundation
The spread of the Omicron strain of the novel coronavirus in some cities since March has increased downward pressures on the economy.
2022-06-23 10:08:16
South Africa sees the BRICS grouping of nations as a beacon of peaceful cooperation in a world facing challenges arising from the pandemic and conflicts to a global economy coming under increasing pressure.
2022-06-23 09:48:55
China's aid strengthens global food security
With a potential food crisis facing the world, some Western experts and media are trying to blame China for the situation.
2022-06-22 10:16:25
Multinationals still full of confidence in China's economy
China remains the world's most appealing investment destination. A total of 99 key foreign investment projects with a combined investment of 15.6 billion U.S. dollars were signed at the third Qingdao Multinationals Summit.
2022-06-22 10:02:26
Xinjiang lie won't spare US companies
The New York Times recently carried a photograph posted on the social media account of Xinjiang Nonferrous Metal Industry Group, showing 70 Uygur workers standing under the Chinese national flag expressing their love for China and the Communist Party of China.
2022-06-22 09:54:48
The BRICS cooperation mechanism has developed a multi-tier, systemic set of institutions that is yielding remarkable progress in key areas, and it could now speak as one voice in the global arena on behalf of emerging markets and developing countries.
2022-06-22 09:53:24
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