Yunnan merchants known for their entrepreneurship, business acumen

By Gateway   |   Jul 25,2023   17:07:41

The First Yunnan Merchants Conference was unveiled in Kunming, Yunnan’s capital city, on July 22. Since ancient times, Yunnan merchants have traveled all around the world.


The First Yunnan Merchants Conference is held in central Yunnan’s Kunming city on July 22.

The event brought together over 200 Yunnan traders from both home and abroad. They seek ways to show the talents in their respective fields, while making new ideas and contributions for the better future of Yunnan, their hometown.

Looking back to the history of Yunnan merchants, we see caravans begin to ship goods between Yunnan and its neighboring countries as early as the Qin and Han dynasties.

Yunnan merchants blazed the world-renowned Ancient Tea-Horse Road and Southern Silk Road in their trading activities, linking up the economic and cultural ties between Yunnan and the rest of China, as well as China and south-southeast Asian countries.


Yunnan merchants blaze the world-renowned Ancient Tea-Horse Road and Southern Silk Road in history.  

China’s first cross-border railway, first hydropower station, and even the first electrical cable couldn’t have been built and made without the wisdom, courage and effort of Yunnan merchants.

Yunnan merchants have long been known for their entrepreneurship, extraordinary business acumen and social integrity. Private enterprises in Yunnan have created 52% of the province’s GDP, 61% of the total export-import volume, 75% of the technological innovation, 84% of the urban job opportunities.

Moreover, private companies account for 92% of enterprises across the province. Today, the spirit of Yunnan merchants, primarily marked by inclusiveness and entrepreneurship, has been formed, and it will be passed on to the future generations.


The First Yunnan Merchants Conference is held in central Yunnan’s Kunming city on July 22.

During the conference, Yunnan business representatives jointly issued the "Initiative of Yunnan Entrepreneurs."

The initiative stresses the significance of open-mindedness and participation into national development and construction, and it also encourages Yunnan entrepreneurs to contribute to the province’s role as the Chinese pivot of opening-up to South and Southeast Asia, as well as to the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative.

With a higher level of Yunnan’s opening-up, Yunnan merchants are expected to achieve better development through international collaboration. Some of them shared their views at the conference.


The General Association of Yunnan Entrepreneurs is incepted at the conference on July 22.

Ruan Hongxian, Chairman of the General Association of Yunnan Entrepreneurs and Director of the Yixin Pharmaceutical Group:

The General Association of Yunnan Entrepreneurs will uphold its mission of uniting Yunnan entrepreneurs to support Yunnan's growth. We will fully leverage our collaborative and communicative role in bringing together the strength and advantages of Yunnan entrepreneurs worldwide. We will provide comprehensive services and support to the member enterprises regarding information, funding, talent, technology, channels, operations, and management, thereby contributing to building our homeland Yunnan.

Cao Ronggen, Chairman of Kunming International Flower Auction Exchange Center:

"Time awaits no one, and we will seize the opportunity to contribute to Yunnan's economic and social development!"


Renowned Yunnan businessmen in history 

Liu Jun, Vice Chairman of Yunnan Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Yunnan Dianxue Grain and Oil Company:

"As the newly-elected Vice Chair of the the General Association of Yunnan Entrepreneurs, I will work harder to put into practice the spirit of Yunnan merchants: Be enterprising, unite Yunnan businessmen, run my business well and contribute to Yunnan’s growth."

Peng Kun, President of the Yunnan Chamber of Commerce in Liaoning Province:

"We’ll tap the potential in resource utilization, port upgrading and industrial-park construction through exchanges and cooperation with all walks of life in Liaoning Province, and contribute to the development of our hometown Yunnan."


Investment projects are signed at the First Yunnan Merchants Conference on July 22.

Ding Huilan, President of Yunnan Friendship Association in Japan:

"The First Yunnan Merchants Conference has far-reaching significance. As an overseas Chinese businessman who has invested in Yunnan, I’ll work harder to be innovative and enterprising, shouldering the social responsibility and bringing benefits to my hometown. "

Hong Zheng, President of Yunnan Chamber of Commerce in Laos:

"The First Yunnan Merchants Conference is also a platform for exchanges, resource sharing, and win-win cooperation among Yunnan entrepreneurs. As a Yunnan native doing business in Laos, I will seize the opportunity for better business performance and contribute to the growth of my hometown."

By Gateway reporters

Yunnan merchants known for their entrepreneurship, business acumen