Yunnan begins wild mushroom season

By Gateway   |   Jun 08,2023   16:55:51

Yunnan Mushuihua Mushrooms Trading Center (Photo by Spring City Evening News)

"In the past few days, the trading volume of wild mushrooms at night has reached over 10 tons," said Cheng Aili, the general manager of Yunnan Mushuihua Mushrooms Trading Center.

Wild mushrooms in Yunnan mushuihua Mushrooms Trading Center (Photo by Yunnan Daily)

Cheng Aili mentioned that after a rain on the afternoon of June 2nd, wild mushrooms have become abundant. Approximately 20 tons are available daily, with people engaging in transactions, even at three or four in the morning. Owners of restaurants and major agricultural markets all come for purchases.

As mushroom vendors increase, there is also a significant number of live streamers selling Yunnan's wild mushrooms using tripods and mobile phones in their live broadcasts.

Source: Spring City Evening News; trans-editing by Wang Yunya

Yunnan begins wild mushroom season