Crossing-the-bridge rice noodles: From delicacy to industry chain

By Gateway   |   Jun 21,2023   10:21:36

Various ingredients are put into the cross-the-bridge rice noodles. [Xinhua/Photo]

The crossing-the-bridge rice noodles originated in Mengzi county, southwest China's Yunnan Province. With its bright soup, rich ingredients, and exquisite presentation, the dish is hailed by many as a "feast for one person."

The rice noodles is not only an indispensable delicacy in the local people's lives but also an important livelihood industry.

The crossing-the-bridge rice noodles has spurred the development of industries such as cultivation, farming, processing, tourism, accommodation, catering and distribution, directly providing over 10,000 jobs in Mengzi.

Mengzi has introduced over 100 types of the crossing-the-bridge rice noodles with distinct characteristics. For example, various ingredients like chrysanthemum, lotus, dendrobium, chicken and egg drop soup are put into the rice noodles. The rice noodles would be boiled in small pots, cans, or earthen ports.

2,000 rice noodle businesses in the city employ over 20,000 people, with an annual turnover of 986 million yuan.

"Soup is key to cooking crossing the bridge rice noodles," said Jiang Manli, the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage of the crossing-the-bridge rice noodles. Jiang explained that a good original soup requires high-quality tubular bones, old mother hens, and pork bellies. These must be stewed for four to five hours to get a healthy and flavorful broth.

Further, the " Mengzi has recently rolled out comprehensive standards for the crossing-the-bridge rice noodles, specifying the cooking details such as the temperature of tableware, the order of food placement, and the temperature of the soup. The rice noodles industry will develop on a large scale and in a high-end manner,

Besides, Mengzi is leveraging digital technology to empower product innovation and focusing on promoting the development of various aspects of the industry by extending and strengthening the supply chain.

The Mengzi Qiaozhiyuan Food Company and other six rice noodle enterprises invested 120 million yuan in establishing an integrated industrial system that involves processing, packaging, warehousing, cold chain transportation, and refrigerated sales. The base can produce 100 tons of fresh rice noodles and 50 tons of fresh rolls.

Currently, Mengzi is exploring a self-heating convenient rice noodle industry chain that contains wet rice noodles, freeze-dried vegetables, concentrated soup, and cooked meat products.

Moreover, Mengzi is integrating culture and tourism with the rice noodle industry. It has built up a crossing-the-bridge rice noodles town, which combines distinctive dining, entertainment and tourism.

The town has hosted eight "Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles Cultural Festivals," featuring various artistic forms, including songs, stage plays, documentaries, and books.

Source: Yunnan Net; trans-edited by Guo Yao

Crossing-the-bridge rice noodles: From delicacy to industry chain