Yunnan offers agro-tech training for Sri Lanka
A training session on modern agricultural technological talents for Sri Lanka was held in south Yunnan’s Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture from September 20 to 28, participated by 20 delegates from Sri Lanka's Ministry of Agriculture and East Province.
Opening of the training session
On behalf of China, the Yunnan side said through the training session, the Sri Lankan side will know more about China's national conditions and development, and the training will contribute to Sri Lankan food security, poverty reduction and sustainable agro-development. At the same time, the training will help identify more fields for pragmatic cooperation between Yunnan and Sri Lanka.
Opening of the training session
The Sri Lankan side believed that the training course is in line with their concerns about agricultural development and people's livelihood, and China's modern agricultural technology will enhance the agricultural production capacity in Sri Lanka. The participants said they'd apply what they had learned in China to Sri Lankan agricultural development.
The training sesseion is co-sponsored by Yunnan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Yunnan Foreign Affairs Office, and it is undertaken by Honghe University and Honghe Prefectural Burea of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
The Sri Lankans visit a Hani cultural center in Honghe.
The Sri Lankans visit a Hani cultural center in Honghe.
Reporting by Han Chengyuan (Yunnan Daily); Photo courtesy: Honghe University wechat; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue