For a fair global security system

By China Daily    |   Jan 31,2023   10:24:14

The world is undergoing rapid changes because the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be contained, the global economic recovery remains sluggish, and the industrial and supply chains are still unstable. And the Russia-Ukraine conflict has accelerated the pace of global changes.

Amid all this, some countries' Cold War mentality and unilateral policies pose both traditional and non-traditional security threats to emerging and developing economies. In the face of such global changes, crises and challenges, developing countries are becoming more vulnerable.

Most developing countries want to explore development paths that suit their national conditions rather than being forced to follow Western development models or choose sides in major country conflicts. For example, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations uphold ASEAN's centrality, stress the importance of dialogue and promote regional stability through various platforms, while African countries are focused on economic integration and refuse to become pawns in the geopolitical chessboard of Western powers.

In fact, developing countries' pursuit of strategic autonomy plays an important role in international relations, which in turn helps ease relations among major countries.

The world has reached a historical crossroad, and to meet the expectations of developing countries, China has put forward the Global Security Initiative, offering Chinese wisdom and new ideas to help solve their security and development problems.

As an alternative for the Western geopolitical security theory, the Global Security Initiative is committed to promoting the common well-being of humankind and optimizing the basic rules of international law by advocating peaceful cooperation over power politics, openness and inclusiveness over alliances, and win-win cooperation over unilateralism.

While some countries insist on pursuing unilateralism and maintaining their hegemony, and fanning the flames of discord and divisiveness, thus creating global security problems, the GSI emphasizes the importance of national security of all countries as well as global common security.

The GSI is also aimed at helping safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and stresses the importance of non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries. It respects the right of countries to choose their own development path, opposes power politics, upholds the principles of cooperation and fairness, and focuses on establishing partnerships, rather than alliances, with other countries.

The United Nations is the most important organization for global security governance. The UN Charter advocates that all countries maintain peace and security. Therefore, the international community must follow the UN's principles, uphold multilateralism, and oppose the pursuit of absolute security, because one country's security is as important as another country's security.

The GSI believes that security is a precondition for development, and opposes zero-sum relations, because a zero-sum relationship can't take into account the needs of all parties, and only through win-win cooperation can the world achieve sustainable development.

Besides, the China-proposed security initiative focuses on dialogue, rather than confrontation, to achieve inclusive cooperation and resolve differences. It supports the peaceful settlement of crises, and opposes the arbitrary use of threat or force against other countries to settle disputes, and urges countries to seek more common interests to reduce conflicts.

Moreover, the international landscape is changing because of the rise of China and other emerging economies. Although Western developed countries have been in relative decline for some time now, they still have the capability to create and control systems, so the power of China to influence developing countries' discourse is limited. As a result, even the genuine demands of developing countries are ignored by the developed world.

Hence, China and other emerging and developing economies have to boost their persuasive power and protect their interests by establishing a fair global security system, and non-government organizations and civil society groups should play a bigger role in global security governance.

China has always adhered to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and pursues friendship and cooperation with other countries. It is committed to promoting a new type of international relations, strengthening global partnerships based on the principles of equality, openness and cooperation, and broadening the convergence of interests with other countries. An increasing number of countries are praising China's efforts to make global governance fairer and more equitable, as well as expand developing countries' international influence.

While some countries are trying to maximize their own political interests at the expense of other countries, the GSI provides a new framework for global security governance and maintaining world peace, in order to help safeguard developing and emerging economies' security. China advocates sincerity, amity and good faith in its pursuit of common greater good. And it will work with other developing countries to promote democracy and rule of law in international relations, enhance mutual respect and win-win cooperation, and uphold true multilateralism.

Along with other emerging economies, China will also help the UN to consolidate its position as the most important organization safeguarding global security, and share its development dividends with other countries.

(About the writers: Cao Jing is an associate researcher at the Academy of Military Sciences; and Yu Zewen is an assistant researcher at the same academy.)

For a fair global security system