Qin Gang's first press conference articulates China's world vision

By CGTN   |   Mar 08,2023   11:35:10

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang's first press conference has been a resounding success. He articulated China's vision for the future, laid out Beijing's world view on managing bilateral relations with respective states and advocated for economic development and modernization in the absence of hegemony, great power politics, toxic narratives and misunderstandings, as the way forward.

The press conference, which lasted for two hours, ended with the foreign minister answering 14 questions, which was done with precision, alacrity and impressive clarity of thought. The comprehensive nature of his presentation demonstrates China's commitment to world peace, aversion to false narratives and advocacy for a shared, collective and prosperous future.

On foreign policy, Qin articulated China's world view as independent, implementing the mutually beneficial strategy of opening up to the world.

He said Beijing will defend the international world order. On the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which is one of the worst global conflicts since World War II, the foreign minister said that China was not a party to the original dispute, had no role in the genesis of the conflict between Moscow and Kyiv, and hasn't provided weapons to any of them.

Therefore, unfair demonization must stop with due cognizance paid to China's peace proposals that stand anchored in strategic foresight and vision. China is hence, an impartial world player, which fosters goodwill and amity, not tensions.

A major takeaway from the press conference was the foreign minister calling on the Joe Biden administration to eschew false allegations, which belie China's neutral position and that's a hallmark of its foreign policy.

The concept of "wolf warrior diplomacy," for example, is a narrative that does not account for China's diplomacy, which is based on harmony and goodwill, yet is promoted conveniently by Washington. He spoke about how the U.S. is establishing guardrails and expecting China not to respond would be unrealistic when there is a need for course correction on the United States' side.

Regions across the world, particularly the Asia-Pacific, cannot afford to be militarized. And contrary to American perceptions, Foreign Minister Qin said China is desirous of good relations with the U.S. where he reflected on his time as Ambassador to the U.S. and emphasized on commonalities between the Chinese and Americans.

On Taiwan, Qin cited the Chinese constitution and explained why Beijing would react if a red line is crossed. He quoted Garland Nixon, an American radio program host who quoted a White House insider who said that President Biden had a "plan for the destruction of Taiwan."

Logic also prevailed in the foreign minister's discourse as the U.S. decision to arm separatists in the Taiwan region is a far cry from it calling for other countries not to supply weapons to Russia. Consequently, if the Taiwan question cannot be handled well, China-U.S. relations will remain shaky.

On Europe, Qin said that China views the EU as a comprehensive strategic partner and supports European integration. He said China can work with Europe to uphold true multilateralism and deepen the China-EU strategic partnership.

Similarly, sentiments have been expressed on the Middle East where opposition to interference from external forces is the foundation of China's foreign policy, which applies to every region across the world including the Asia-Pacific.

The same can be said about Japan, which Qin called a "close neighbor" and Tokyo should display the same reciprocity that China has in jointly working for a better future by correcting historical wrongs that were committed.

Additionally, Qin talked about global governance, multilateralism and China's perspective, which includes the Global Security Initiative and Global Development Initiative.

He debunked the debt trap myth, stating that Beijing makes "the biggest contribution" to the G20's Common Framework for debt treatment, which helps the developing world overcome major challenges. The continuation of global development and expansion of the infrastructural projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative will prove rewarding in the long run.

Accordingly, the excellent presentation by the foreign minister resulted, he explained Chinese youth have to uphold a civilization of more than 5,000 years and initiate dialogue with the world to share unique perspectives. The foreign minister spoke about how to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Qin's visions for world peace and clear articulation of China's foreign policy have made his first press conference a resounding success.

(The writer Hamzah Rifaat Hussain, a former visiting fellow at the Stimson Center in Washington and former assistant researcher at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute, is a TV anchor at Indus News in Pakistan.)

Qin Gang's first press conference articulates China's world vision