Nauru's resumption of diplomatic ties with China makes one fact stronger and clearer

By Global Times   |   Jan 25,2024   10:45:16

Foreign ministers of China and Nauru signed the Joint Communiqué on the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Nauru on Wednesday in Beijing. The two sides have resumed diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level effective Wednesday. Nauru has officially become the 183rd country to establish diplomatic relations with China.

This was an anticipated development since Nauru announced its decision to sever the so-called "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan region on January 15. However, the information and reality conveyed by the latest move are still worth deep understanding and careful consideration by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities and Lai Ching-te's team, the few remaining so-called "diplomatic allies" of Taiwan island, and external forces that persistently interfere in the situation across the Taiwan Straits. This is to avoid continuing making mistakes and further playing with fire on issues concerning China's core interests. Abandoning the wrong path and returning to the right track is in the best interest of the aforementioned parties, Taiwan island, the entire region, and the international community.

There are less than 200 countries in the world, among which, 183 countries have established diplomatic relations with China. This fact is strong, clear, and indisputable enough. The resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Nauru once again demonstrates that there is only one China in the world, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory. The one-China principle is a universally recognized consensus and a fundamental principle of international relations. The historical trend of China's reunification is unstoppable.

The DPP authorities have made great efforts and spent a lot of resources to maintain relations with the few remaining "diplomatic allies." However, despite their efforts, the number of these "allies" continues to decrease, regardless of the will of the DPP authorities. Every penny and effort spent by the DPP authorities in this regard is a meaningless waste. The people in Taiwan have the right and the necessity to supervise and pressure the DPP authorities not to engage in purely consumptive "dollar diplomacy." Pursuing "Taiwan independence" is a dead end and a path to destruction.

China has called on those "diplomatic allies" to recognize the historical trend, seize the historic opportunity, stand with the international community, uphold international justice, and stand on the right side of the history. China has stated that friendship knows no order, and it is willing to turn a new page in its relations with these countries on the basis of the one-China principle. This is an olive branch extended by China, and wise individuals can realize that it is a good opportunity to seize it. Nauru's choice will have a positive demonstration effect.

It is essential to emphasize that Nauru resumed diplomatic relations with China unconditionally, and, to go further, did so after rejecting and resisting political inducements from the DPP authorities. This decision by Nauru is a sovereign and independent choice. Nauru's Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Lionel Aingimea revealed during talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that the decision of Nauruan government to sever "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan region across the board and resume diplomatic ties with China was unanimously adopted by the Parliament of Nauru, with a standing ovation by all of its members. Aingimea said the way China says what it means and does what it says has won the hearts of the people of Nauru.

In the complex and ever-changing international landscape, China's responsible image as a major country has withstood repeated examinations and received full recognition from the international community, including Nauru. The fact that the decision to resume diplomatic relations received unanimous approval in the Nauru Parliament reflects the will of the Nauruan people and is beneficial for economic development, improvement of livelihoods, and the peace, stability, and prosperity of the Pacific Island region.

The Chinese and Nauruan economies are highly complementary, with broad common interests and extensive prospects for cooperation. Those who stand on the right side of the history will undoubtedly benefit from it, while those who stand on the wrong side will consistently face significant and unaffordable risks.

We also need to say a few more words to overseas interference forces, led by the US. China's sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be challenged. The expansion of the so-called "international space" for Taiwan by foreign forces with malicious intent constitutes a severe interference in China's internal affairs and is destined to be futile. According to media reports, in recent years, countries that have made the correct choice to "sever ties" with Taiwan have faced pressure from the US, which is blatant bullying. As the demands made are entirely unjust, no matter how aggressive the US appears, its foundation is weak. Countries facing bullying have no need to fear it.

Nauru's resumption of diplomatic ties with China makes one fact stronger and clearer